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Antibody Discovery

The Science, Processes, and People to Take On Your Toughest Discovery Challenges

Advance Your Discovery

Antibody Solutions helps biopharmaceutical companies advance their discovery of better diagnostics and therapeutics by delivering fit-for-purpose antibodies. Throughout our more than 25-year history, our clients have come to rely on us for highly specific scientific expertise, rigorous project management and a unique fee-for-service, pay-as-you-go model that keeps their IP in their hands.

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See What We’re Working On

As scientists to the core, we frequently conduct our own studies and collaborate with fellow researchers to help advance innovations that deliver safer, more efficacious therapeutics and diagnostics to society.

Comprehensive Antibody Research & Production Services

Every day, clients approach our team with a target and challenge us to discover an antibody to lead them there. Whether that involves just a couple of steps or requires multiple, carefully orchestrated processes, we chart an efficient, budget-smart course toward validated, highly purified, and reproducible antibodies. 

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How We Excel at the New and the Tried-and-True

The advantage we deliver to our clients comes from a combination of deep antibody discovery expertise, diverse technology platforms, and an overall customer experience model that makes every new success seem more natural than the last.
Click here to learn more about our Smart Science, Proven Process, and Sincerity.


biopharma companies served and counting


of clients return with new assignments


years of helping our clients succeed


of the top 10 research pharmas worldwide trust us


always begins with you

Let’s get the conversation started for your next
custom antibody discovery project.