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Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance, Confidently Assured

A pipette is out of calibration. A vendor’s product doesn’t perform to spec. A critical piece of data never gets entered into the system.

Sometimes, when overlooked or mismanaged, the simplest things can become simply disastrous. At Antibody Solutions, our quality assurance system plugs into our entire discovery process on your behalf (from start to finish, and from top to bottom).

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Our Tried and Tested Quality Assurance Process

SOPs, work instructions, batch records, forms and templates—all of them contribute to an exclusive QA system that monitors progress, identifies problems or irregular findings, and triggers timely alerts that spark action. In fact, it’s this system that your assigned Antibody Solutions’ project manager relies on to keep your research programs on-point and on-time, every time.

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Mileposts and Checkpoints
Mileposts and checkpoints

When we hit key deadlines on your behalf, you get email updates—automatically. And then your project manager will follow up with you to discuss the results and confirm the path ahead.

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Non-Conformance Reviews
Non-Conformance Reviews

Our non-conformance system helps us pinpoint errors, investigate them and derive practical remedies before they derail your progress. And you can rest assured that if a mistake is made, we’ll find it—and we won’t let it happen again.

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Quality Guarantee
Quality guarantee

We stand behind our work. Period. When we perform a service, we guarantee that we've adhered to both good scientific practice and our own strict SOPs. So if we get an abnormal result that suggests we may not have done something properly, we investigate it immediately and, if necessary, repeat the work at our cost.

Mileposts and checkpoints

When we hit key deadlines on your behalf, you get email updates—automatically. And then your project manager will follow up with you to discuss the results and confirm the path ahead.

Non-Conformance Reviews

Our non-conformance system helps us pinpoint errors, investigate them and derive practical remedies before they derail your progress. And you can rest assured that if a mistake is made, we’ll find it—and we won’t let it happen again.

Quality guarantee

We stand behind our work. Period. When we perform a service, we guarantee that we've adhered to both good scientific practice and our own strict SOPs. So if we get an abnormal result that suggests we may not have done something properly, we investigate it immediately and, if necessary, repeat the work at our cost.

Make a Quality Call Today

“Quality” isn’t doing something right once; it’s doing it right repeatedly. And that’s been a hallmark of Antibody Solutions for more than two decades. Contact us to discuss.