3 min read
New Places, Familiar Faces
Antibody Solutions was pleased to participate in November's Protein & Antibody Engineering Summit Europe, aka PEGS Europe. This important annual conference, hosted on the other side of the Atlantic from our home base, is the international counterpoint to PEGS Boston, which we attended last May. This time around, it was held at the Montjuic Palau de Congressos in the heart of beautiful Barcelona, Spain. From the comfort of a very well-placed booth (#1316, right next to the main stairwell of the exhibition hall), our CFO Judy Lynch-Kenney and I spent three days connecting with international colleagues old and new.
Antibody Solutions’ temporary home at Booth #1316 coming together pre-show right next to the entry stairs at PEGS Europe
On the first day of the conference (Tuesday, November 5th), I gave a luncheon presentation called Improving the Efficiency of Therapeutic Candidate Generation Through Multiple Discovery Pathways as part of the Antibody-Based Cell Therapies track. In this talk, I took the audience through the benefits of deploying a multi-pathway discovery platform – which we offer through Cellestive – to provide greater diversity and greater flexibility in the screening and selection of therapeutic antibody candidates. Based on the feedback I received, the presentation hit the mark, and it is always a pleasure to be able to share scientific data and results alongside our company capabilities.
While Antibody Solutions is no stranger to PEGS Europe, Barcelona was a new city to us (we previously have attended in other wonderful host cities, with Lisbon in 2018 and 2019 standing out in recent memory). Anyone who has been to Barcelona knows that any trip there is bound to be an embarrassment of riches: The city is steeped in history, culture, and scientific innovation. And thankfully, we were able to get out of the conference hall toward the end of the week and enjoy some of the city’s can’t-miss sights and sounds.
Exterior of the Montjuic Palau de Congressos in Barcelona, where PEGS Europe 2024 was held. The Venetian Towers and Plaça d'Espanya are visible in the distance.
If you weren’t able to make it to PEGS or to this year’s American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (ASTMH) show -- which I attended as part of an extension of our recent efforts toward malaria diagnostics discovery -- you’ll still have the chance to meet up with us at Antibody Engineering & Therapeutics. As in years past, it is being held at the beautiful Marriott Marquis in San Diego, December 15-18. If you don’t want to wait until then, you can always reach out to us and inquire as to how Antibody Solutions can put its 30+ years of experience to work for you.

Debra joined the Antibody Solutions team in 2013 and currently serves as a Business Development Manager where her responsibilities include being a B2B liaison, helping introduce clients to working with Antibody Solutions, and various marketing functions.